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Showing posts from 2009

Pink Glove Dance

Who says kids don't have a thing or two to say? My best friend’s daughter is an extraordinary 11 year-old. I am proud to call Katya my friend as well. This afternoon she sent this video that has been making the rounds and I wanted to share it with you. In order to raise breast cancer awareness, Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Portland, Oregon produced the Pink Glove Dance for Breast Cancer Awareness. Their hope was that they could get 1,000,000 hits to help raise money. In just one month they’re nearly at the 5.5 million mark. It’s fun and inspiring. Take a moment and let it make you smile ;-) xxx

Menopause and HRT

For the past few years I have been reading articles and interviewing woman about menopause symptoms and remedies. We've talk about trying everything from tincture of sage to hormone replacement therapy. Today the NY Times published " Menopause, as Brought to You by Big Pharma ," by Natasha Singer and Duff Wilson. It's certainly an eye-opener. Lawsuits and internal documents show how Pfizer and its predecessors promoted the idea of taking hormone drugs. If you or someone you love is careening into menopause, have them talk to family, friends and doctors. Be informed. For me, the cure for my hot flashes was sex. I highly recommend it ;-)

Stand By Me

Support comes from the most surprising places. A lover’s look. The sound of a friend’s hello on the other end of the phone. Giggles from a child. The glorious sound of voices around a holiday table. Music. Art. A hug. A kiss. It has been a trying year. It has also been an exciting year. In May my first book, I Thought I Grew Up , was published and I have heard from people in 3 continents who have purchased my memoir. This weekend I have meetings out of town about new possibilities. I am hopeful. Send me a hug, a kiss, a giggle…. I am nervous but am sure that the Universe is sending a new beginning to each and every aspect of my life. Stand by me and help me open up to the infinite possibilities of the Universe.

Book Signing and Reading

On Thursday, November 19th at 7.30p.m. I will be appearing at Words Bookstore in Maplewood, NJ. I will be reading from my memoir, I THOUGHT I GREW UP, an Award-Winning Finalist of the National Best Books 2009 Awards. If you're coming from NYC, it's 30 minutes from Penn Station on NJ Transit! Just take the train to Maplewood, NJ. Two blocks from the train station you'll find Words at 179 Maplewood Avenue. As easy as pie ;-) Come on down and pick up a copy for the fabulous person stuffing your bird next week ;-) I'll be reading from the book and signing copies. Spread the word and invite your friends! Words is an amazing bookstore with a big heart. Whether you can make it to the reading or not, you must stop by Words and support this great independent bookstore. I hope to see your shining faces there. Michelle xxx

How Do You Decide Whom To Marry?

OK… I admit that these kid quotes have been ‘borrowed’ ;-) A friend sent these sage words in an e-mail this evening. As I read it a flood of memories raced through my mind ranging from my own recent dating exploits to Art Linkletter’s Kids Say the Darndest Things. If you’re too young to remember Mr. Linkletter’s House Party, take a moment to watch this fabulous YouTube clip. You won’t regret giving up the seven minutes and thirteen seconds of your life. These kids are hysterical… How do you decide whom to marry? You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. -- Alan, age 10 No person really decides before they grow up who they're going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you're stuck with.... -- Kristen, age 10 What is the right age to get married? Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by the...


How many chances do we get? Are there a finite number of times for a do-over or do we get as many chances as we make for ourselves? An endless cycle of failing, trying and succeeding constantly swirls around me. Each new turn surprises me even though there can be nothing more certain than this cycle of change. Fail; try; succeed. Fail; try; succeed. Fail; try; succeed. As I’ve gotten a bit older I’ve become more Zen about the cycles. The one thing I feel sure of is that each one is no better than the other. Each cycle offers its lesson. I’ve struggled these past few years to be more open – telling my story; exposing the mysteries of hot flashes and my tears; bearing my heart on the pages of my book. In spite of my efforts, I have not been completely honest with myself. I’ve been spinning out of control. No one knew, not even me, and so the spinning continued. Finally, realizing I was dizzy, I discovered that all I had to do was to reach out my hand and everyone that loves me g...

World Menopause Day

I'm not sure what's more surprising, that there is a World Menopause Day or that it's something I seem to be paying attention at this point in my life. In any event, what's really important is raising awareness and opening the dialogue about menopause and how it effects all of us. That's right, I said all of us -- pre- peri- or just plain old menopausal women AND the people who love them. So, here we go.... HOT Sales FLASH! Help boost sales of I THOUGHT I GREW UP on October 18th for World Menopause Day. Have you been waiting to get your copy or perhaps been thinking about sharing I THOUGHT I GREW UP with a friend? You've waited this long, so here's what I'd like for you to do to help me on my path to Oprah ;-). Let's try to direct our heat with a laser-like focus on the goal at hand. SALES!!! Buy it on Barnes & Noble Buy it on Amazon Of course you're always welcome to buy a book whenever you are moved to do so (God bless you), but I say l...


I've been sitting here editing pages from THANKSGIVING (the novel I'm working on) and thought I'd share the first couple of pages.... Just a little tease and perhaps a little inspiration for contributions to the Starving Artist Fund so I can finish it ;-) November 26, 2009 Rita was at a complete loss. Thanksgiving had always been her favorite day of the year and with three short syllables her daughter had driven a stake through its heart and killed the holiday forever. It was raining sideways in New York and the wind whipped between the buildings. Rain and sleet mixed with the hot tears streaming down Rita’s face. She knew where she was going and she was determined to get there before she lost her anger, but she wasn’t exactly sure what she would do when she got there. The adrenaline racing through her body was making her dizzy. Stopping to catch her breath beneath an awning at 181st Street, Rita realized she had run out of the house with her handbag but without her co...

Booty Call

Last night I got a booty call. About two and a half years ago I had an unfortunate fling with a tall, handsome, and slightly younger man. I was reeling from my sad encounters with The Bartender and he was still stinging from his own breakup. One thing led to another and then, under the excuse of meeting his new puppy, we attempted to find comfort in each other’s arms. The night came to an abrupt end. He was rude and I pretended not to be hurt. A year later he sent a text message that I ignored. I never expected that I would hear from him again. Last night I received an e-mail saying hello, informing me that his puppy was all grown up, adding that he owed me dinner. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I confess I was surprised to hear from him and admit to being quite flattered that he still had me on his mind. After a bit of deliberation, I replied that dinner in the coming week would be lovely. He then suggested I see him “tonight.” Since it was 11pm I said no. ...

Birth Festival 2009 Begins

My birth festival is in full swing and I have been burning the candle at both ends for the last two weeks. Visitors from the other side of the pond, a meal on my actual birthday that was so amazing it deserves its own post, and staying up at night staring at my computer screen and NOT writing. I think someone should do a study to confirm that overeating slows the brain making it impossible to speak or write in complete sentences. In my last post I mentioned that I was going on a date with someone who was in my memoir, I Thought I Grew Up . I was more than a bit concerned that he didn’t know about it and decided that I would wait until he was halfway through a smart cocktail to tell him. Arriving at the restaurant a bit early, I sat down at the bar, ordered a glass of wine and then pulled a book from my bag. As soon as I opened the pages my date walked through the door. He arrived on time looking rather dashing and carrying a Barnes & Noble shopping bag. A quick kiss hello an...


I’m sitting at the Café in the Barnes & Noble in the Citicorp Building in NYC. I came for a little inspiration. It is filled with writers and readers sipping coffee and staring out the window at the rain. I love being here, surrounded by stacks of books and people who love them. When I arrived, the café was full so I went to the second floor to the biography section to take a gander at my book on the shelf. It’s so exciting to know that it’s here, to know that several stores in Manhattan have it on the shelf. I wonder if that will ever get old. I certainly hope not. I came here to work on my novel, but my head is so full I decided I make use of the time here to organize my thoughts. Multitasking has been a chore over these last few months and it helps to just lay it all out. These are the main events: The novel – The working title is Thanksgiving. The collaboration project – It’s a big exciting secret book proposal. The big pitch – I’m working on the idea of making I T...

Back In The Game

I’ve been running around like a mad woman these days! Trying to pay the bills. Trying to make the film locations business work. Trying to sell real estate. Trying to make sure everyone (and I mean you) is buying my book. Trying to write my new book. I need to stop running and just sit down and write! I love to write. I love the process. The real problem is that I’ve been stuck. Struggling for the words at each turn, so it’s time for a little diversion, a busman’s holiday of sorts. I am going to shake all those locked up thoughts loose by going back to the beginning. It’s time to start blogging again. Blogging – writing – about what’s going on in my life. Dating. Writing. Cooking. Menopause. Crying. Sex. I’m going to start stopping by more regularly. I look forward to chatting with you and seeing your comments.

Book Release Party

I can't believe it's taken so long to tell you what went on at the book launch party! The launch party for my new memoir “I Thought I Grew Up” was last Friday night at the Morningside Bookshop in New York City. It was a tremendous success. Happy faces, laughter, wine, friends and many books sold. For those of you that have joined the world of Facebook, I've posted photos of the event on my Facebook Fan Page, Author - Michelle Churchill . If you’ve already started reading, it would be great to hear your thoughts on the book the Facebook Reading Group . If you haven't already, I hope you’ll all take a moment to rush to Amazon or Barnes & Noble to buy copy of “I Thought I Grew Up”! Even more, I hope you’ll let me know you've been reading and share your thoughts. Thanks to all you for being so supportive. Michelle xxx

The Big Book Push

Today is the official day! My book is out and people are already buying it on Amazon and Barnes & Noble . You can even download I Thought I Grew Up to your Kindle if you're so inclined ;-) I confess I'm nervous about the whole thing. How many of us decide to share how often we cry or get laid in print, knowing our Mother’s or future dates will be reading? I’m wondering if first dates that read I Thought I Grew Up will be too nervous for a second date… I hope you’ll all take a moment to support your fellow BoomerGirl and rush to Amazon to buy copy of I Thought I Grew Up! Even more, I hope you’ll let me know what you think by stopping by my Fan Page or my Reading Group on Facebook and sharing your thoughts. Tomorrow is the launch party and book reading. Wish me luck! And now….. I’m on my way to have my lip and chin wax for the big occasion ;-) Ahhhh the things we girls have to do as we get older! Oh..... don't you just love the bookstore window where my re...

I Thought I Grew Up

The official release date is May 14th and I'm so excited I can hardly stand myself! I just wanted to take a moment to share the artwork for the cover of my memoir - I Thought I Grew Up. Keep watching for how to buy the book ;-)

News Flash!!!

I am happy to report that my memoir about dating through hot flashes is officially being published! I Thought I Grew Up should hit Amazon by mid-May. We're busily putting the final touches on the cover copy and art. I'll certainly keep you posted as this dream is realized.

I'm back!

Months have passed. Valentine's Day is nearly here again, and not surprisingly, I'm single again. The lack of sex, although it wasn't that regular during my last relationship, seems to have brought on a new round of hot flashes. That said, I do seem to be on a much better footing. Oddly enough, so does our country. The nation has a new man in it's life and I figure I'm about due for something good myself. I've finished my memoir, which proudly began on this blog and it should be available for purchase by this spring. I realize I promised updates on the publishing process, but with the whole break-up combined with a world financial meltdown and an election, I guess it's all kept me a little busy ;-) I seem to have moved into a new menopause phase which I will begin to share again on my Boomer Girl blog. In the meantime, I'll let you know how the book is coming on this site. I've got to give a table of contents some thought and then I'm off ...