I'm not sure what's more surprising, that there is a World Menopause Day or that it's something I seem to be paying attention at this point in my life. In any event, what's really important is raising awareness and opening the dialogue about menopause and how it effects all of us. That's right, I said all of us -- pre- peri- or just plain old menopausal women AND the people who love them.
So, here we go....
Help boost sales of I THOUGHT I GREW UP on October 18th for World Menopause Day.
Have you been waiting to get your copy or perhaps been thinking about sharing I THOUGHT I GREW UP with a friend?
You've waited this long, so here's what I'd like for you to do to help me on my path to Oprah ;-). Let's try to direct our heat with a laser-like focus on the goal at hand. SALES!!!
Buy it on Barnes & Noble
Buy it on Amazon
Of course you're always welcome to buy a book whenever you are moved to do so (God bless you), but I say lets try to hold off for a moment! Buy your new book or that gift you've been thinking about on October 18th. Any time on the 18th is fine, but...
What would happen if everyone bought at noon? Noon on October 18th.
I'd love to hear from you when you buy a copy ;-) xxx