I’ve been running around like a mad woman these days!
Trying to pay the bills.
Trying to make the film locations business work.
Trying to sell real estate.
Trying to make sure everyone (and I mean you) is buying my book.
Trying to write my new book.
I need to stop running and just sit down and write! I love to write. I love the process. The real problem is that I’ve been stuck. Struggling for the words at each turn, so it’s time for a little diversion, a busman’s holiday of sorts. I am going to shake all those locked up thoughts loose by going back to the beginning. It’s time to start blogging again.
Blogging – writing – about what’s going on in my life. Dating. Writing. Cooking. Menopause. Crying. Sex. I’m going to start stopping by more regularly. I look forward to chatting with you and seeing your comments.
Trying to pay the bills.
Trying to make the film locations business work.
Trying to sell real estate.
Trying to make sure everyone (and I mean you) is buying my book.
Trying to write my new book.
I need to stop running and just sit down and write! I love to write. I love the process. The real problem is that I’ve been stuck. Struggling for the words at each turn, so it’s time for a little diversion, a busman’s holiday of sorts. I am going to shake all those locked up thoughts loose by going back to the beginning. It’s time to start blogging again.
Blogging – writing – about what’s going on in my life. Dating. Writing. Cooking. Menopause. Crying. Sex. I’m going to start stopping by more regularly. I look forward to chatting with you and seeing your comments.