Between the next rounds of dating was a little more down time than usual. It wasn’t just me; everyone was spending less time on personal matters and turning all attention to politics and the war. It seemed as though my hot flashes were running as hot as the political debates. The hot flashes were never ending. I was not sleeping as well as usual. I wake myself up in the middle of the night because I am wildly ripping the clothes off my body. I am alone. I am just hotter than hell. It’s unbelievable. I am finally comfortable and drift back off to sleep only to awaken because I am so cold that I must get up to retrieve the duvet from the floor. Months of practice have enabled me to strip and merely throw the duvet to the side for easy recovery. My sleep is interrupted a bit less.
Friends are considering hormone replacement therapy to subside their hot flashes. Others are talking about herbal teas and tincture of sage. I am not ready to go there yet. While I am occasionally uncomfortable, I remain unconcerned by the changes happening in my body. In spite of all that is going on, my libido is higher than ever. As a result, my gynecologist suggests that unless I am too uncomfortable or having trouble coping with the changes that are happening why should I screw with a good thing. I applaud his turn of a phrase and happen to agree with him. I may change my mind in the next six months, but for the moment, I prefer to focus on the thing that makes my hot flashes disappear.
Even just thinking about sex makes my hot flashes subside. The real problem is where to find sex. In spite of the fact that I have had a couple of encounters over the last few months, what I really want is something on a more regular basis. I have not yet met a man that I think is worthy of relationship status.
My hot flashes now dictate how I dress. I have to rethink how I dress for everyday life. After much discussion with girlfriends over issues relating to fashion, we decide that none of it matters. Damn fashion. Layers are the only answer. All that matters is that we can dress in layers. Layers enable us to change clothes throughout the day as often as our temperature dictates. Even the changing season and temperature drops offer no relief. I have discovered that I can be hot and cold at the same time.
Friends are considering hormone replacement therapy to subside their hot flashes. Others are talking about herbal teas and tincture of sage. I am not ready to go there yet. While I am occasionally uncomfortable, I remain unconcerned by the changes happening in my body. In spite of all that is going on, my libido is higher than ever. As a result, my gynecologist suggests that unless I am too uncomfortable or having trouble coping with the changes that are happening why should I screw with a good thing. I applaud his turn of a phrase and happen to agree with him. I may change my mind in the next six months, but for the moment, I prefer to focus on the thing that makes my hot flashes disappear.
Even just thinking about sex makes my hot flashes subside. The real problem is where to find sex. In spite of the fact that I have had a couple of encounters over the last few months, what I really want is something on a more regular basis. I have not yet met a man that I think is worthy of relationship status.
My hot flashes now dictate how I dress. I have to rethink how I dress for everyday life. After much discussion with girlfriends over issues relating to fashion, we decide that none of it matters. Damn fashion. Layers are the only answer. All that matters is that we can dress in layers. Layers enable us to change clothes throughout the day as often as our temperature dictates. Even the changing season and temperature drops offer no relief. I have discovered that I can be hot and cold at the same time.