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Showing posts from 2011

There Is No Superman

Handguns. Semi-automatic weapons. Automatic weapons. Street sweepers. A mentally ill young man was able to buy a terrible weapon of mass destruction and used it to destroy several lives this weekend. I struggle to make sense of the recent tragic shooting in Arizona as I hear the words of self-important politicians, political pundits and shock jocks ricocheting through the airwaves like so many bullets, each one believing they can repel those missile-like words like Superman. There is no sense to be made of it. There is no Superman. It is true that there will never be a gun in my house. I made that decision 37 years ago and stand by it. You can have a gun in your house, but you are not welcome to bring it to mine. I believe with all my heart that guns have no place at a grocery store parking lot, and challenge anyone to explain why I might be wrong. I have no answers, and only one question: What is the argument for owning a weapon designed to kill man?