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Showing posts from February, 2009

I'm back!

Months have passed. Valentine's Day is nearly here again, and not surprisingly, I'm single again. The lack of sex, although it wasn't that regular during my last relationship, seems to have brought on a new round of hot flashes. That said, I do seem to be on a much better footing. Oddly enough, so does our country. The nation has a new man in it's life and I figure I'm about due for something good myself. I've finished my memoir, which proudly began on this blog and it should be available for purchase by this spring. I realize I promised updates on the publishing process, but with the whole break-up combined with a world financial meltdown and an election, I guess it's all kept me a little busy ;-) I seem to have moved into a new menopause phase which I will begin to share again on my Boomer Girl blog. In the meantime, I'll let you know how the book is coming on this site. I've got to give a table of contents some thought and then I'm off ...